Let's keep up with face-to-face piano lessons
(Updated 06/02/2024)
In person piano lessons are back! To keep it that way, please make sure you are following all of the requirements below. Several have changed since lessons during the school year, so please be sure to read this entire page.
Prefer online lessons?
They are still being offered. Choose what works best for you and your family.
Face-to-Face Lesson Requirements
Be Flexible with Time
A few minutes of each lesson will be devoted to cleaning and sanitizing common surfaces, including the piano keys. If you are not ok with your lesson being cut a bit short for this purpose, please stick with online lessons.
Check for Symptoms
Before attending an in person lesson, all students must complete a COVID-19 symptom checker. This includes using a thermometer to check their temperature. If any symptoms are present, students must stay home (even if symptoms are due to something other than COVID-19).
Pack a Mask
Masks are now optional in my studio. However, since I'm in the high risk group for COVID-19 due to my age, I am still requiring that each student bring a mask to lessons in case its needed. Please keep one in your piano bag along with your music and pencil. If you are unable/unwilling to wear a mask when asked, please stick with online lessons.
Sanitize Often
Students will be asked to sanitize in front of me before they start their lesson and again at the end. I'll also sanitize in front of them. Hand sanitizer will be provided.
Use Tissues on Door Knobs
Avoid touching surfaces as much as possible. Internal doors will be left open and external door knobs should be opened/closed with a disposable tissue. Tissues and waste receptacles will be provided.
Bathroom Now Open
My restroom is now open. Thorough hand-washing after use is required with soap and hot water.
Waiting Room Closed
My waiting room remains closed. Parents and siblings should wait in their car until it is time for their lesson. Parents should not sit in on lessons unless it is absolutely necessary and this must be requested and approved at least 24 hours in advance.
Don't Be Too Early
To minimize passing between families, please do not arrive early to your lesson. If you do arrive early, please wait in your car until it is time for your lesson to start.
Reschedule to Online
When in doubt, sit it out!
If you feel tired, feel "off" or have any symptoms of any illness, do not come to an in person piano lesson. Also, please avoid cancelling if at all possible. Instead, switch to an online lesson, even if it's the last minute. Just let me know!
Scheduling Face-to-Face Lessons
When booking your summer lessons, it's easy to indicate whether you plan to attend online or face-to-face. Simply choose the correct option when booking your lesson time slot.
Once scheduled, contact me if you need to change from face-to-face to online or vice versa. Please note: lesson type is not officially changed until you receive a confirmation from me.
Your honesty and preparedness allow face-to-face lessons to be an option; if I find that families are not respecting and following the protocols, all lessons will return to Zoom.
If someone in your family tests positive for COVID-19 or is informed they have been exposed, please inform me ASAP.
Likewise, I will inform you if any known exposures occur at Palmer Piano Studio.
While my goal is to continue teaching face-to-face, I reserve the right to change plans and switch back to online lessons if exposures occur or safety protocols are violated. Thank you for your flexibility and understanding.